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Linked Items

Items can be linked to other items. This allows additional functionality for tracking connections between items, and can be automated by a system administrator.

When an Item is loaded in Explorer, it also fetches all of the Linked Items connected to it. To view the items that are linked to the current item, open the Links dropdown menu in the Command Bar.

A screenshot that shows Linked Items button location in the Command Bar when viewing an Item Page. The button has an icon of two chain links. The screenshot has been annotated with a red box to highlight the button's location.

After linking on this button, the Linked Items Panel will open, displaying all categories or linked items as accordion menus.

A screenshot that shows how the Linked Items Panel appears to the user. The screenshot will be explained in further detail in the next table.

Below is a list of the attributes and features of the Linked Items Panel.

FilterThis filter search bar allows you to search for a particular linked item. To use the filter, type in the name of the item and press enter. The panel will then only display items that contains the filter's text in their title.A screenshot demonstrating the location of the Filter on the Linked Items Panel. The screenshot is annotated in red to show the location of the Filter.
Accordion MenusEach linked item will be contained in an Accordion menu that describes which Table the item is stored in, or what kind of item it is. Note that the Accordion menu has a sideways chevron > as well as the title of the Table, and a number in brackets to denote how many items from that Table have been linked.A screenshot demonstrating the location of the Accordion Menus on the Linked Items Panel. The screenshot is annotated in red to show the location of the Accordion Menus.
Linked Item RowsClicking on the Accordion Menus will cause them to "open" and display the items inside. The chevron will now point downwards to indicate the menu has opened. Each linked item appears with a green background, and two additional buttons.A screenshot that demonstrates how Linked Items appear underneath Accordion Menus. The screenshot is annotated with red boxes to highlight the location of these items. In the example of this screenshot, the item's read "Confirm Attendance" and "Attendance ID: 16".
Open ItemAt the end of each Linked Item's row is the Open Item button, which will open the item in the same browser tab by default. When pressing this button, Rapid will prompt you to save your changes to the current item before navigating away.A screenshot demonstrating the location of the "Open Item" button on the Linked Items Panel. The screenshot is annotated in red to show the location of the "Open Item" button.
Unlink ItemAt the end of each Linked Item's row is the Unlink Item button, which will delete the connection between linked items. Note that the items themselves will not be deleted, just the link or connection between them.A screenshot demonstrating the location of the "Unlink Item" button on the Linked Items Panel. The screenshot is annotated in red to show the location of the "Unlink Item" button.
Add LinkAt the bottom of the panel is the Add Link button, which allows the user to navigate through a list of all Tables and Items in the site, to link an item. This is only one method of linking items. Linking items can also be accomplished automatically via Workflows.A screenshot demonstrating the location of the "Unlink Item" button on the Linked Items Panel. The screenshot is annotated in red to show the location of the "Unlink Item" button.

Linked Items and Page Components

Note that there are several other methods for viewing linked items. The following page components will also display items that are linked to the current item: